Alternative Feeding Methods.
There are times, when a mother cannot physically breastfeed her baby. It might be that Baby has neurological problems, a weak suck, Mom may have inverted nipples or Baby may be premature.
There are many other reasons why a mother may decide to revert to alternative feeding methods. These methods of feeding Baby can prevent nipple confusion that arises from giving Baby an artificial nipple.
Alternative feeding methods are only used when absolutely necessary; when all other possible methods of saving the breastfeeding relationship have been undertaken.
The Alternative Methods
* Cup Feeding.
* Syringe Feeding.
* Lactation Aid. Finger feeding can be used with an SNS.
* Haberman Feeder.
* Spoon feeding.
Cup Feeding
Cup feeding vs bottle feeding
* Babies have been found to spit-up less with cup feeding.
* Babies have less colic symptoms with cup feeding.
* Babies who are cup fed, put on weight faster.
* Cup feeding is easily learnt.
* There is no risk of nipple confusion with cup feeding.
* Cup feeding is messier than bottle feeding.
* Cup feeding does not cater to Baby’s need to suck.
* There is the danger of milk aspiration with cup feeding,
if not done correctly.
if not done correctly.
How to cup feed
* Baby can be swaddled to keep the cup from being knocked over.
* Baby should be in an upright position.
* Rest the half filled cup of milk on Baby’s lower lip.
* Tip the cup slightly so that the milk only touches Baby’s lips.
* Never pour the milk into Baby’s mouth, Baby should lap the milk up.
Syringe Feeding
How to syringe feed Baby
* Fill the syringe with breast milk.
* Keep Baby upright.
* You can finger feed Baby, while syringe feeding. This is done by inserting the syringe on the side of Baby’s mouth, while Baby sucks on your finger. Older, practiced babies suck directly on the syringe.
A Supplemental Breastfeeding System
This is a bottle that is filled with milk, attached to a tube that is inserted into Baby’s mouth, while Mom breastfeeds Baby. This is a great little device, as it allows Mom to continue to have Baby at the breast,
to increase milk supply. It also allows Mom and Baby to continue to benefit from the bonding experience that is enhanced with breastfeeding.
to increase milk supply. It also allows Mom and Baby to continue to benefit from the bonding experience that is enhanced with breastfeeding.
Haberman Feeder.
This is a special bottle that is made to mimic a mother’s breast. It mimics the flow of milk as well as the shape of the nipple. There are bottles that are actually shaped like a breast. Search for “Adiri Nurser”,
in your internet browser to see it. These bottles prevent nipple confusion.
in your internet browser to see it. These bottles prevent nipple confusion.
Spoon feeding.
* Make sure Baby is upright, give small spoonfuls of milk, placing the spoon on Baby’s lower lip. Allow Baby to take the milk, do not pour the milk into baby’s mouth.
If you need more help and advice on alternative feeding methods…